Please welcome instagram's most loved and hated man dan bilzerian the king of instagram as his pr firm forces every article to call him the king alpha male the king alpha male danny b dan bilzerian i just have [ __ ] around me all the time i'd be jet skiing i'd be driving around ferraris and private jets you're living like a life that doesn't even seem real where did dan get his money from your father was a
corporate takeover specialist he went to jail they were getting straight up sued by their former president this just looks fake allegedly kicking a woman in the face of a nightclub did you do that um well [Applause] allow me to set the scene [Music] the date is february 24th 2021 a yang instagram influencer is scaling a 63 million dollar belair mansion in hopes of finding its elusive owner the man
with the perfect geometrical beard dan bilzerian i think we're good come on dan are you in there what's the deal with this guy who even is he on the surface he looks like a bodybuilder compensating for being five nine a fusion of tony stark and hugh hefner a professional poker player with lavish taste and a massive online following of over 30 million insecure teenage boys if a lifestyle of touring the world
sleeping with models shooting machine guns in the desert parading around exotic animals sitting down with meat heads posing with enormous stacks of cash partying with major celebrities and ruining a perfectly good car with a military-grade tank seems too good to be true that's because it is dan is a fraud
dan bilzerian he doesn't live here anymore he was actually exiled from his california dream home just last year quietly abandoning a key part of his brand that made him the giga alpha chat his fans once considered him to be can you write any of this off because it's really promoting your brand and your
lifestyle i mean i talked to my accountant about all of it i don't know but how exactly did we get here what happened to dan the man bilzerian well that's what i want to find out but first we're going to need to go back to where it all began daniel brandon balzarian was born on december 7th 1980 in tampa florida coming from humble beginnings his mother was nothing more than a social worker with his
father being but a simple businessman you know what kind of businessman you ask you know just the kind that manipulates the stock market for a living really successful businessman and then the newspaper headlines and i think this is like the late 80s uh he's indicted for like tax and security fraud
yeah so you know i'm actually just kidding about that humble beginnings thing hard to grow up in a house like this and still pretend you're self-made but dan found a way so how did you make your money then playing poker you made it all playing poker yeah wow that is insane the point is paul bilzerian had
become one of the richest corporate raiders in the entire region by the time dan was just six years old setting up multiple trust funds for his two sons before being locked away for fraud in the early 90s he was then ordered to pay 60 million dollars back to the government and after he paid back three million dollars he was like uh oh i'm out of money anyway on a completely unrelated note his son dan bilzerian
mysteriously won 50 million dollars in one year playing poker which is more than any professional poker player has made in their entire lifetime but trust me we'll get back to dan's father in a little bit for now i want to focus on the man the myth the king of instagram no i'm not talking about myself even
though dan and i do have similar followings with over ten thousand one night stands under his belt wait wait did i read that right ten thousand ten thousand one night stands in one house 17 chicks and i'm i remember i had sex nine times in one day i was like so proud of myself i mean this good dan would
never lie to us though i mean right yes we'll just have to take his word for it he objectifies women on a mainstream platform normalizing women as background rather than as actual human beings in other words you make women according to them props yeah i mean i guess i said the same thing about hugh
hefner right is that supposed to be a good thing i mean they said the same thing about hugh hefner i yeah they did um i don't know i uh i just take pictures and the women are there so i don't know i mean it's it's all up to interpretation i mean people can what is your interpretation uh that you know i'm just i
have a bunch of women hanging around but make no mistake he wasn't always the zenith of peak male vitality though in fact he actually dropped out of four separate high schools over the span of three years
even being arrested for bringing a machine gun we're bringing a machine gun on campus his senior year so explain what led to you getting thrown in jail your senior year um well um a machine gun and a
shotgun in my vehicle on school grounds would be probably what led to that and this was right after columbine happened which is kind of bad timing if you will galaxy brain stuff here from her boy dan but after pulling of vince staples he decided to abandon school altogether and enlist in the navy right
after graduating i think he graduated i'm not actually sure all i know is that he is said to have spent about four years in the navy apparently going through 510 grueling days of seal training with two broken legs you know i had done everything that i was supposed to do i made it through hell week with
broken legs no you did not then i just i went into medical and i asked them to look at my legs i ran for like two miles and just destroyed them even more just because i was just so sick of the military i just want to get out and they gave me what i wanted they're going to get me out i think under the ucmj that's actually a crime he's not running for two miles with broken legs if he's truly hurt it just seems like this
is made for social media dan's strained relationship with the us military becomes a little dicey so stick with me here the first step in becoming a navy seal is completing basic underwater demolition training known as buds for short meant to test physical and mental stamina the 24-week program is described as demanding and intense most trainees don't even make it past this one phase but dan has insisted he spent over a year and a half on buds alone yeah the same guy who struggles to land a jet ski in the water but he claims his extended training and frequent rollbacks had to do with those two stress fractures i had broken legs for like a year and a half or a year and seven months it was insane it was basically like
they're like okay well this guy's legs are just never gonna [ __ ] heal so why wasn't it healing i'm still confused well because i went through seal training that kind of [ __ ] up just [ __ ] him up for a little bit dan never officially became a seal instead being kicked out just two days before passing to the next phase on account of the safety violation at the gun range or in his words no real good reason yeah i'm sure there is no real good reason i'm gonna give you guys some perspective for somebody to be rolled back from training two days prior to graduation there has to be something pretty significant um they they called navy seals often the million dollar man and that's because how much it costs to train these
guys and how much time goes into that so um he doesn't dive into that but i will say that does bring some red flags or questions you have to have done something really bad or be very highly disliked i would say rumors of dan falling asleep during training and getting into arguments with officers have since circulated online and although i have no real way to verify any of these testimonies just the thought of dan's former class making up songs to mock him after he got dropped is really beautiful to
me and this instructor that didn't like me he just he couldn't even find excuses the third time he just admin dropped me i didn't even know that was like a thing i didn't know you could get admin drop but yeah hey a broken leg and an honorable discharge still gave our man in the ledge six thousand dollar disability allowance so you know i was getting the gi bill and the va was paying me and i was getting
grants and everything for uh for school and so i was making pretty good money for a college student despite yes completing about 99 of the military's toughest training his love-hate relationship with the navy extends even further into his later years when he paid his way into a military film in 2013 pumping one million dollars into production in exchange for eight minutes of screen time they ended up cutting down to 60 seconds even trying to sue the production company afterwards yeah actor what's
going on nothing bro i'm about to get out of here with my girl whatever before any of that dan was officially discharged in desperate need of a purpose and a place to go he did what any affluent [ __ ] would do and became a business major using his disability money towards enrolling at the university of florida joining a frat and of course falling in love with the game of poker dan was only a freshman in college when he embarked on his first ever poker match taking a liking to the game almost immediately staying up late and losing a ton of sleep was worth it of him getting to play an extra game with his classmates in between important business readings by his sophomore year dan was addicted even reportedly taking out a loan on his car and selling three of his most expensive guns so he had more
money to gamble with so i like i went like flat broke my sophomore year and i actually had to like sell three of my guns um and then i took that money went and like played on this gambling boat take a boat to the boat because it had to be an international waters being coached by his younger brother adam a real professional poker player it wasn't until his 25th birthday when he actually set foot in a real brick
and mortar casino ready to prove his skills in the treacherous world of gamblers sharks and billionaires oh god there's three that size on the flop dan's doing a money weighted to this ford explorer a year ago let's get one thing straight i'm an idiot okay i'm not gonna pretend i know the first thing when it comes to poker i'm really not good at any game not called mario kart or super monkey ball for that matter but i have read the comments under gambling videos of dan and i know his skills have been repeatedly
brought into question by real experts of the game and i think it's safe to say he isn't exactly the most well respected in the community even dan himself will tell you it was never his life goal to become the greatest poker star of all time or anything he just wanted to be the rich [ __ ] in the background having his beard stroked by models that much is totally understandable but it becomes a little more disingenuous when you start to attribute your enormously unfathomable wealth to your non-existent poker skills i mean even the most professional well-known players in the world can barely scratch dan's
estimated net worth of 200 million i moved to la and i started playing a lot of these poker games and i just i don't know kind of snowballed like i beat one guy for 54 million and 54 million yeah so poker players make a lot of money but not enough to justify the incredible spending habits of danny boy here we're talking 50 000 for a bed frame okay he would need to be one of the absolute greatest to ever live
and we all know that just isn't true all in all while dad did play very aggressive i wouldn't say that he played all that great in fact there was some serious button cooking going on in this match i think that maybe he could beat some high stakes very soft live games but on the internet he's a fish in the water his lackluster abilities may have been enough to make him look cool in front of his audience of middle
schoolers but something about the way he presented himself in interviews and talked about his wealth just wasn't adding up but his instagram numbers definitely were after breaking up with his playmate girlfriend in 2011 dan vowed to live his life as a bachelor to the fullest extent from then on out using the power of the internet to transform himself into a shining beacon of inspiration for sexless teenage boys and pastel shorts all over the nation first joining the vanity-obsessed world of instagram in 2012 the perfect platform for dan to show off his exhilarating lifestyle of posing with his brother and chickens okay his post started off about as tame as you can get a clear contrast to what they'd become over the
following years somewhere along the way dan realized the more extreme his picks were the more attention they would get and began posting anything so long as he got those sweet sweet likes and follows he quickly built up a reputation of partying drinking having drug-laced orgies with supermodels and having two heart attacks by the age of 32. i got no [ __ ] idea doctor's like it's very important that
you're thorough and you tell us everything we can't give you certain things you know they mix with other drugs and i'm just like you know i was smoking some pot my mom kind of like perks up you know i did a little bit of cocaine and my dad like looks over at me you know and i think i might have taken a little bit of viagra and then my girlfriend's like you [ __ ] and i was like ah maybe baby and the
doctor's like it's very important that you tell us how much i was like it's like yeah i think like 200 milligrams the doctor was 200 milligrams yeah i guess the cocaine and viagra might have that effect but at least you got to meet michael jackson doctor supposedly gracing headlines for some of his more outrageous stunts including the time he was arrested for bomb making charges come on dan after blowing up his own tractor trailer he pled no contest for failing to extinguish a fire out in the open no
jail time and no weapon restrictions nothing just a measly fine of about 17 grand which he only received because it happened on public property not to mention the time he launched porn star janus griffith off his rooftop there are some details that i don't feel comfortable talking about right now has dan called you up to apologize he actually did not ever make an apology unfortunately which is the only thing that i'm sort of why i did not ever hear sorry from him wow panicking at last minute she grabbed dan's t-shirt in a split second of regrets before barely missing the pool below and smashing her
ankle on the way down thanks to his scumbag legal defense team he wasn't sued unlike the time he kicked a woman in the face of the nightclub in steel-toed boost in which case he was sued vanessa castano claims in a new lawsuit filed by her attorney keith davidson that bilzerian was on the stage at the liv nightclub and kicked her in the face with military boots she says she began bleeding from the face and eye bilzerian's people say he kicked her because he was struggling to help another woman on
stage but castano was blocking him and i thought chivalry was dead turns out dan just wanted to protect his girl while brutalizing another one can't think of anything more considerate almost reminds me of the time he tried to play hiro during an active shooting holy [ __ ] this girl just got shot in the [ __ ] head it's so [ __ ] crazy dan bilzerian was one of 22 000 people in attendance the night a 64 year old man opened fire at a las vegas music festival in october 2017. during the worst mass shooting event in american
history dan could be seen running amongst the crowd documenting his live experience to his online following so i had to go grab a gun i'm [ __ ] headed back [ __ ] so crazy some kind of mass shooting [ __ ] guy had a heavy caliber weapon for sure saw a girl [ __ ] get shot in the face right next to her brains [ __ ] hanging out wanting to live up to the gun-toting macho man image he'd always exhibited dan was determined to do whatever he could to assist the situation i guess he figured the best way to do
that was by begging to borrow a random cop's gun while people around him were literally dying dude don't [ __ ] you know better than that i'm just saying that's fine i don't know who you are keep moving being the guy who was once credited for saying his greatest fears that someone will break into his house and he won't know what gun to shoot them with he kind of became known for this menacing reputation so the reactions from what viewers saw that night were mixed some expected him to do more than run for shelter while others might argue he shouldn't have distracted officers from attempting to
defuse an active shooting situation but one thing i can tell you for certain is that this wouldn't be the only time his values were questioned and it sure wouldn't be the last time he experienced controversy according to all estimations ignite burned through over 100 million with about two and a half million in gross profit in 2020. it's insane where did the money go dan what's up dm me where's the money at the end of the day money's really freedom because when you got a lot of money you can do whatever you want nobody can tell you what to do before we get into that it's time for an ad the wonderful and amazing saints over at raycon that's right ray j is disrupting the electronics industry by selling clean
nifty premium wireless audio for half the price of regular brands with no compromises see raycon earbuds give you six hours of play time seamless bluetooth pairing and a more compact design for a comfortable and noise isolating fit from the way they design their products to the way they price them raycon prioritizes their customer experience with a 45-day money-back guarantee return policy so if you're kind of on the fence and just want to be sure these are all that's cracked up to be might as well
click the link in the description and try them out right right it helps the channel lately i've been using mine while riding my bike and listening to daniel's area and talk about all the women he slept with oh what a guy go to buy raycon dot com slash jobbry to get 15 off your order today massive thanks to raycon for helping out once again for the longest time dan insisted the bulk of his income was a direct result of his poker earnings turning himself from a broke college kid to a self-made millionaire through his late 20s but not everyone was convinced for starters dan had only played in one public poker
tournament all the way back in 2009 when he came in 180th place walked away with 36 000 the belzarian brothers have been enjoying their family reunion as well both still in this thing that's adam adding to his chip stack but at another table his brother dan is all in after the flop with ace high against the pocket tens of jonathan tamayo dan bilzerian has to have an ace on the river the river card is a king
tamayo wins the pot and knocks off dan bilzerian he became it known for playing loose aggressive in the eyes of fellow poker sharks even reportedly losing 2.3 million dollars on a simple coin toss according to gq still dan claims to have made the majority of his money through non-traceable cash games with billionaires in private which is extremely convenient wouldn't you say especially considering his instagram flexing began around the same time his father's trust funds finally became accessible the trust funds i guess you were entitled to one when you turned 30 when when you turned
35 dan's father paul bilzerian made a name for himself back in the 80s when corporate raiding was at an all-time high according to investopedia investors would target failing companies whose assets appeared to be undervalued buy large enough shares to give them the controlling position of the company and then use their power to artificially drive up the stock price either through internal management changes
or by using their voting power to install hand-picked members to the board of directors as long as the company's value went up the investors would make an absolute killing a practice that was questionable at best and straight up illegally worse depending on how you went about it i guess by 1989 though the government had charged paul with fraud and conspiracy failing to disclose his ownership of various companies and selling his holdings right after their stock prices skyrocketed insider trading in its purest
form and if only paul had been a little more discreet he probably would have been able to get away with it well he still kind of did but not without being slapped with a 63 million dollar fine and spending 13 months in federal prison for a ruling he called unjust the whole time he'd been telling me like you know
oh you know i'm i'm not going to jail because you know the newspapers the kids were asking me so i'd ask him and he's like oh no definitely he was always like this crazy like eternal optimist dana barely got to see his father growing up as it was naming that lack of attention as one of the many driving forces
behind his eccentric lifestyle but paul's arrest would prove itself traumatizing for dan constantly harassed by kids at school over his father being a wall street felon so we're going to school and he's like yeah by the way i'm going to jail and um i mean i think he put a little bit more eloquently than that but anyways it was a how'd you take it i sucked man you know you got to go to school and all these kids
are making fun and your dad's going to jail it's like i was kind of traumatizing a moment through a complex network of offshore banks and family partnerships however the blizzarian family managed to keep living in the 28 000 square foot palace for about 20 years plenty of time for dan and his brother adam to grow up in the mansion paul dubbed his own taj mahal even while the sec scrambled to locate the tens of millions he owed the government only paying back an estimated four of the 63 million
before filing bankruptcy come on dude you were not bankrupt in 1997 with the sec still chasing mr bilzerian's assets ownership of the mansion is transferred to a nevada partnership owned by an offshore trust that initially has according to court records mr bilzerian and his wife as beneficiaries and trustees his family continues living there even as mr bilzerian in a court filing has said he has no assets going to extreme links to keep ownership of the house and his wealth to the point where he'd rather go to prison
than ever admit he was lying about his finances to this day that 50 plus million dollars has never been tracked down but it all had to go somewhere right you know i mean you read the detractors or comments they've made that uh oh nobody can make a hundred million dollars or whatever it is playing poker he uh [Music] makes his money but he's really gotten it from the uh you know trust funds and
you didn't you didn't take it i gave it all back so really yeah i gave it to my brother why i just i don't know i didn't need it didn't want didn't care dan has never denied the existence of a trust fund under his or his brother's name but he has given conflicting testimonies regarding the amount of money he's actually taken from them so first he didn't accept any of it and instead handed everything over to his little brother because as we all know dan hates money that isn't his but we'll get to that soon point is he
later went back on his ward admitting he did take a little bit from the trust how much i have no idea as of now there isn't definitive proof that dan and his brother's trust funds were made up of entirely sec money but the evidence doesn't exactly say otherwise does it at the end of the day it'll probably always remain a mystery just how much dan really inherited from his wall street criminal father so it's been so long that i'm just used to you know i like i never cared if people thought that i was good i never gave it
you know if you know how people thought that i got my money i still don't i don't give they think i you know got out all from a trust i don't know i mean not at all like i mean somebody if you've like earned it through you know your own intellect and hard work it doesn't bother you at all that there's like some out there that like think that it was just handed to you no i don't really you know the thing is like there's so many people praising me i just i don't even like concern myself with the opinions i mean it sucks that
i've lost all of my privacy pretty much and i can't go anywhere without you know people coming up to me and you know wanting pictures and this and that by 2017 he had partied with steve aoki bought his way into a matt damon movie and hooked up with ten thousand women what could possibly be in store next for the man who had done it all well launching his own cbd business of course so what is the most
exciting thing about the cannabis industry today why should people be excited about your product uh i mean because it's gonna be one of the best products in the industry and it's gonna be consistent across state lines we're gonna have global distribution i imagine all the strains are just infused with dan bilzerian's pubic hair and then like they just somehow like create an std that he's had from like a model or some [ __ ] yeah so maybe they just name it after the model and then the std oh i see yeah yeah okay in hopes of becoming the first premium global cannabis brand dana bolzarian launched the company
ignite selling everything from cannabis products to clothing vapes and beverages this [ __ ] guy was plastering his stupid goat logo on anything he'd get his greasy fingers on 39.99 for placebo gummies if this were the lorax i'm sure dan would find a way to slap the ignite logo on a bottle of air too but by february 2019 ignite was off to the races with the brand finally going public on the canadian stock
market debuting at a share price of about two dollars and 51 cents all the meanwhile the ignite house youtube channel hosted by models desi and kayla began pumping out lifestyle vlog type content that showcased even more details of dan's highly luxurious daily routine you want to run neck at elon's house yep she's like it's funny you're right everybody wanted to do it i'll give somebody give you i think dan should run naked if any i'll do it for i'll give you 50 000. i'll do it okay i'm going to give her a [ __ ]
bicycle i mean why i need what she's knocking his door if he answers the door fifty thousand if he answers the door yeah what if he doesn't know a thousand just for going my instagram is redhead ray r-a-y-e there you go guys you can stop asking her yeah nothing weird or toxic to see here folks she's running away no she says no i can't do it be right back you're gonna be rack she's off camera she's gonna contemplate things there'll be many uber drivers checking her out as they drive by there along
with the new brand dana also boasted his massive purchase of a 63 million dollar mansion on cnbc with the guy from shark tank completely decked out with a 12-foot waterfall infinity pool tennis courts and a parking lot fit for a [ __ ] airplane not a bad start especially considering dan's rampant social media presence reaching an estimated half a billion people every month the company should have no problem getting off the ground and selling cbd oil to the masses right right well maybe dan should have stayed in
business school the mansions the yachts the parties the models how does dan bilzerian the globe-trotting cash-stacking gun totem instagram boasting partying playboy do it according to a lawsuit filed this week he doesn't dan bilzerian rents his house and charges the rest of his six-figure lifestyle to a credit card that someone else pays off see in 2019 ignite made money two ways and no neither of those
were actually selling products ignite issued and sold shares of its own company's stock along with raising money via debt according to forbes receiving about 25 million dollars from proceeds of insurance sales 19 million from convertible debt and another 23.7 million dollars from a short-term promissory note which basically meant ignite was holding on to a bunch of other people's money
instead of actually using it to benefit the company or their constituents or whatever it was all wasted by dan himself as a 2020 lawsuit would later reveal ignite was essentially being used as nothing more than dan bilzerian's own personal piggy bank that's right as ignite stock value plummeted dan continued to swipe the credit card fifteen thousand dollars for a ping pong table forty thousand dollars for a rock
climbing wall 128 000 for a two night stay in london 130 000 for a photo shoot in the bahamas but only because he had to pay all those models these girls are on payroll wake up buddy nobody [ __ ] flies on a jet and goes to hang out with this dude no it's not how it works i kind of like figured out that life is more about set up you know i want to i want to like set it up so that i could get laid without like having a
bunch of conversations and dates and whatnot so using company money to cover enormous personal expenses would inevitably land dan and his business in massive legal trouble thanks to a lawsuit filed by ignite's former president curtis heffernan after refusing to approve of his boss's negligence spending like you know an 800 thousand dollar yacht rental curtis was quickly axed from the company to which he responded by suing dan for wrongful termination immediately after i mean the guy was just trying to
do his [ __ ] job is all outlined in that very lawsuits began to reveal much of what many seem to already speculate regarding dan's seemingly extravagant appearance the famous ignite parties hosted at dan's mansion were some of the most exclusive and exotic events in the area they were synonymous with dan's image but that's because it was all he seemed to care about vanity he wanted to be seen as the guy the rich [ __ ] who could pull women effortlessly thanks to his iconic branding but that's all it was
branding ignite as a company was hollow beyond any of the glitz and glamours seen on instagram as noted by forbes contributor and local cbd expert chris roberts i cover weed and cbd for a living i live in an area absolutely saturated with cbd products and i do not think i have ever seen an ignite product out in the wild nobody was buying ignite as public records show the company lost a grand total of 50 million dollars its first year with the stock value shrinking to about 68 cents at the time of me recording
this and if the lawsuit revealed dan didn't even own the ignite house instead he was only leasing it for about two hundred thousand dollars a month and sticking somebody else with the tab it's actually really funny cnbc had to go back and change the title of their tour once the truth came out he reportedly paid a mind-boggling 65 million dollars for this mega mansion dan says he made 50 million bucks playing high stakes poker i had to talk to my accountant about all of it of course dan denies everything the
whistleblowers have alleged and plans on counter-assuming his former president but that hasn't stopped anonymous employees from coming out of the woodwork and confirming heffernan's very claims ignite pays for everything once said models events yachts dan would just have it wrapped with the ignite logo and all of a sudden it was an ignite expense and he would send them the bill yeah i mean one look at his
instagram and that seems to check out some claims even seemed to show his dad was running the show behind the scenes which is illegal since he can't touch another american company after being convicted of fraud oh that's why it's listed on the canadian market he is i think he's a saint kitt citizen and i think he gave up his u.s citizenship you don't talk to him i talk to him um probably four or five times a year you really don't get rewarded for your honesty in many ways dan balzerian can be seen as the real-life
tony stark that is if tony stark was surrounded by a rotating cast of nameless models he paid for lied about where his money came from distracted an officer during an act of shooting and drove stark enterprises into the ground to dance credit it's hard to feel any sense of real accomplishment when everything in life has been handed to you growing up surrounded by such tremendous wealth must have
a real impact on a person's psyche and i can only imagine how insignificant dan must have felt having always lived in his father's shadow constantly in search of a fragment of individuality he could claim as his own after priding himself on being authentic and upfront about the way he lives his life it's painfully ironic to see how everything is panned out as a result of peeling back the curtain but it does go on to perfectly emphasize what can happen when a silver spoon shud takes over a ceo of a company while
possessing no business experience or a significant level of maturity whatsoever dan balzarian will lie about anything so long as it makes his image more appealing whether it's photoshopping celebrities on instagram or using other people's money towards his own personal ventures the very foundation of his
credibility is built on deception he didn't do it on his own he just got lucky and if you ask me dan is only another spoiled trust fund recipient posing as a beneficiary to the fictional american dream a reminder to all of us that his self-made playboy lifestyle is far from the idealistic utopia he wants us to think it is and that a pristine social media presence can conceal even the dirtiest of secrets but at the end of the day i think we can all agree on the worst thing dan has done and my first video on dan was from
2015 and it was my first video to clock in half a million views so to be completely honest with you guys well i gotta give dan bolzarian a huge thank you for helping me launch this channel keep on keeping you
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