Kelas Ekonomika

Silabus Kuliah Ekonomika Publik

Para mahasiswa Ekonomi pasti tidak asing dengan mata kuliah Ekonomika Publik atau biasa disebut juga dengan Keuangan Publik atau Public Finance. Nah, bagi kalian yang ingin memperdalam ilmu ekonomi, tidak ada salahnya belajar mata kuliah ini.

Berikut adalah silabus mata kuliah Ekonomika Publik yang dapat dijadikan acuan untuk belajar. Semoga bermanfaat.

Do government expenditures and taxation policy promotes the economic goals of society? Eonomics of Taxation focuses upon issues in government outlays and taxation.  This course will analyze the impacts of taxation on the allocation of resources, the distribution of economic welfare, and the level of tax revenues by using the theoretical, empirical, and experimental tools to evaluate these impacts. Specifically, it will focus on microeconomic theory of government expenditures and taxation. The courses combine the normative and positive approaches. This course will also analyze the best practices in financing the government budget.


Mid-term exam: 40%
Final exam: 40%
Homework: 20%

The course syllabus provides a general plan for the course; deviations may be necessary.
Reading list will be developed throughout the course.

Harvey S. Rosen and Ted Gayer, Public Finance, 9th Edition (Chicago, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 2010).

Bahan materi yang dibahas:
  1. Taxation and Income Distribution: Taxation, Fairness, and Incidence
  2. Taxation and Efficiency: Taxation and Excess Burden, Taxation and Revenues, Tax Administration and Compliance Costs
  3. Efficient and Equitable Taxation: Optimal Taxation
  4. Personal Taxation and Behavior: The Effect of Income Tax to Labor Supply, Savings. Tax Avoidance and Evasion; Tax Treatment of the Family
  5. Individual Income Tax
  6. Corporation Income Tax
  7. Taxes on Consumption and Wealth
  8. Deficit Finance
  9. Multigovernment Public Finance
  10. Taxes on Property
  11. The Theory of Local Taxes.

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